GEO Outlook LLC, founded in 2017,  is committed to delivering comprehensive consultancy services, tailored to the diverse needs of our clients in the environmental sector. Our expertise spans key areas including water resources management, climate change, disaster risk reduction, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), waste management, forest management and the promotion of good environmental governance. Our mission is to advance sustainable development in Georgia and support the EU approximation process by assisting both public and private entities in implementing best practices and enhancing environmental performance across various sectors.

Since 1 September 2024, due to legislative changes in the country, the GEO-Outlook LLC has integrated the staff from the non-profit organization – Georgia’s Environmental Outlook (GEO), a well-known NGO with about 10 year history of implementing several important and impactful projects. As of today, GEO-Outlook LLC team comprises of highly skilled professionals with in-depth knowledge of the Georgian environmental landscape, complemented by regional and international experience. GEO-Outlook also draws from a pool of distinguished experts specializing in critical areas such as environmental engineering, climate modeling, GIS, biodiversity, economics, disaster risk reduction, etc. This diversity of expertise and knowledge enables us to offer high-quality environmental consultancy services, with our staff particularly adept at policy analysis, strategic planning, EIA, SEA, communication and awareness-raising, and capacity development.   

GEO-Outlook staff members have a proven track record of implementing numerous projects in collaboration with UNDP, UNECE, USAID, EBRD, KfW, SIDA, SDC, GIZ, WFD, OSCE, SlovakAid, and other donors operating within Georgia and beyond.
Promote effective environmental governance
Enable inclusive sustainable development
Foster introduction of best environmental practices
Strengthen protection of environmental rights
Facilitate public participation in decision-making on environmental matters
Promote environmental education and facilitate environmental awareness raising
Support cooperation and dialogue among stakeholders
Support capacity building of public, academic and civil society organizations
Promote sustainable consumption and production

Founder/Program Manager


Senior Project Manager & Environmental Expert

Administrative and Financial Team Manager

Administration and Logistics Specialist

Junior Project Manager & Resources Mobilization Specialist

Communications Specialist